Empower girls futures hope

change lives today

We support Black and marginalized girls in the Greater Toronto Area and in Ghana to realize their full potential. 

  • 5000+ Girls Reached
  • 2 Location
  • Youth Led
Personal Development

Empowering through Personal Development

Personal development programs designed to give girls an in-depth understanding and resources on self.

Mental Health & Wellness

Creating safe space for girls to express themselves

Art and mental health programs designed to help girls channel their emotions, energies and individual stories.


Connecting Girls with Mentors

Mentorship programs designed to connect girls to individual mentors and each other.

Entrepreneurship , Leadership & Tech

Equipping girls with transferrable skills

Leadership, entrepreneurship and Tech programs designed to provide girls with skills based training.

Our funding partners present and past.
Funding received
$ 0 M
Girls Reached
0 +
Schools Served
0 +
Projects implemented
0 +
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